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» Security
Secure Image Pro
Copy protect the images on your web site and CD using image encryption and domain lock. Secure Image Pro is recommended image protection for photographers and advertising professionals. Pro will enctrypt more than 3,000 images on a single click.
Swipe Pro
Swipe uses two scientifically proven methods designed by the US Defense Department and Defence Signals Directorate, as well as proprietary methods to securely overwrite and destroy information from hard drives. Also includes built in history eraser!
A secure shell replacement that offers many options which may be used alone, or in conjunction with other security measures, control access to important materials, hide confusing and irrelevant items from selected users, simplify training tasks, etc.
Secura Backup
Secura Backup is powerful professional backup software that specializes in 128 bit secure backups to local drives, network paths, FTP sites, CD/DVDs, and even E-Mail addresses.
System Locker
Use System Locker to restrict access to your PC. It has powerful startup and automation options, taskbar icon notification, supports audit and scheduling features. Protects your system when you are away. Extremely effective for home and office use.
System Protector
Some of the program options are:Customize your Control-PanelCustomize Display PropertiesHide/customize Network settingsCustomize Start MenuHide all drives in Control Panel (A:\, C:\, D:\)Customize your Video AdapterCustomize your Active DesctopChange
Task Lock
Task Lock provides simple and effective password security for specified applications for Windows no matter how they are executed.
TermiNET program is an ideal security solution for SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) and home users who wish to connect to the Internet securely but do not have the resources to support a large security infrastructure.
ScreenLock Pro
ScreenLock provides easy and secure access to your private data while denying other's attempts to access your computer.
Мы далеко не лучше знаем то, что видим ежедневно. Л. Мерсье
-- Послушайте, сосед, как вы только все это терпите? Ваша жена весь день ругается, бьет посуду, кричит на собаку! -- Это что! Намного хуже, если она в прекрасном настрое- нии и начинает петь.
Девушкам не хватает женственности, а женщинам - девственности.