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AceReader (For Mac)
Productivity/Educational Self-Improvement Speed Reading Software. Read faster while on your computer. Learn to read faster both on and off your computer. Includes reading/comprehension tests.
AceReader Pro Deluxe Network
Speed Reading, Assessment and Online Reader Software. Improve your reading skills by training with Drills and Games. Track your progress by taking Comprehension Tests (for grades 1-12 plus adult). Read efficiently online with the Online Reader.
Productivity/Educational Self-Improvement Speed Reading Software. Read faster while on your computer. Learn to read faster both on and off your computer. Includes reading/comprehension tests.
The 2Know helps you remember numbers, such as phone numbers, by generating mnemonics consisting of word phrases. These phrases, and the word-to-number translation rules, are much easier to remember than the raw numbers.
Accu-Reading provides short non-fiction selections designed to improve specific reading skills: main idea, vocabulary, sequence, factual recall, inference, and drawing conclusions.
FasType Typing Tutorial
FasType is essential for computer users who want to become more productive with their PC by learning how to touch type. FasType shows a 3D keyboard image and uses key animation and sizable text fonts to prompt the typist. School Licenses available.
Paragraph Punch
Paragraph Punch helps students learn how to write an effective paragraph. Dtudents develop an idea, and write their own topic sentence, body, and conclusion. Program prompts guide students step by step through the writing process.
Business English Fitness
Business English Fitness is self-paced grammar improvement software that helps students improve the clarity and strength of their business writing, and provides measurable results.
AceReader Pro
Speed Reading, Assessment and Online Reader Software. Improve your reading skills by training with Drills and Games. Track your progress by taking Comprehension Tests (for grades 1-12 plus adult). Read efficiently online with the Online Reader.
Я уже не знаю того, чему научился, а немногое, что еще знаю, просто угадал. Н. Шамфор
Встречаются два друга - ну, что там передают "голоса"? - глушить совсем зверски стали, но все же я поймал вчера ко- е-какие обрывки: Хомейни бежал в Египет, и ему отрезали ногу. но он все равно приедет на олимпиаду!
-... Если маховик очень сильно развращать, то он развалится!...