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» Business
» Self-publishing Business
AnyBook Classic Basic - Small Publishers Business Kit
AnyBook is an award winning shareware program which is specifically designed for small and self-publishers. It prepares invoices, does billings, generates sales reports, handles book returns, tracks consignment items, and keeps track of inventory.
AnyBook Classic Advanced - Small Publishers Business Kit
AnyBook Advanced is an award winning shareware program which is specifically designed for small and self-publishers. It prepares invoices, does billings, generates sales reports, calculates royalties, processes credit cards, and tracks inventory.
AnyBook Classic Standard - Publishers Business Kit
AnyBook Professional is an award winning shareware program which is specifically designed for small & self-publishers. It prepares invoices, does billings, generates sales reports, has a contact manager, calculates royalties, and tracks inventory.
AnyBook Professional II - Small Publishers Business Kit
AnyBook Professional II is an award winning shareware program specifically designed for small publishers. It prepares invoices, does billings, tracks inventory, generates sales reports, handles returns & back-orders, plus much more. (32-bit)
AnyBook Professional III - Small Publishers Business Kit
This is the flagship program of the AnyBook Professional Series. Specifically designed for small publishers, it prepares invoices, does billings, tracks inventory, generates sales reports, handles back orders, calculates royalties, and more. (32-bit)
Народ может простить писателям многое, но не может простить молчания во времена, когда решается его судьба. Максим Танк
Людоеды-дикари в далеких джунглях поймали европейца- путешественника. Поставили котел на огонь и собираются его сва- рить. Вождь племени говорит: -- Если ты меня чем-нибудь удивишь, мы тебя пощадим. Путешественник достает из кармана зажигалку, нажимает рычажок, появляется пламя. -- Вот здорово! -- восхищен вождь.-- Ты меня действительно удивил. Первый раз вижу, чтобы зажигалка загоралась с первого раза.
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