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» Server Monitoring
Alchemy Network Tools
Alchemy Network Tools is the set of the must-have network utilities, used by the Network Administrators to maintain and support their networks: PING, TRACE, WHOIS, LOOKUP, SNMP, ROUTING TABLE, TCP/IP/ICMP/UDP stats tables, etc.
Alchemy Eye PRO
Alchemy Eye PRO is a system tool that continuously monitors server availability and performance. In the event of network errors, the program can alert the network administrator by cell phone or pager FORE problems get seriously out of hand.
Alchemy Eye
Alchemy Eye is a system tool that continuously monitors server availability and performance. In the event of network errors, the program can alert the network administrator by cell phone or pager FORE problems get seriously out of hand.
Alchemy Network Monitor PRO
Alchemy Network Monitor monitors your network servers and business-critical applications availability and performance and immediately alerts you if a server gets out of order.
Alchemy Ping
A nice FREE graphic replacement for the standard PING utility.
IPCheck Server Monitor
IPCheck Server Monitor 4 offers reliable network and website monitoring, support for WinNT/2000/XP/2003 and a web based user interface. Sensor types include PING, PORT, HTTP, HTTPS, Advanced HTTP, HTTP Transaction, DNS, SMTP, POP3, SNMP and custom
Alchemy Network Monitor
Alchemy Network Monitor monitors your network servers and business-critical applications availability and performance and immediately alerts you if a server gets out of order.
iAdmin Mobile
iAdmin Mobile empowers Administrator's with the tools nessecary to do their job from any device, anywhere, anytime.
Linspect Info
Linspect Info allows you to retrieve various information out of a Linux/Unix server without knowing much about the system. It uses a secure SSH connection. Runs under any Windows.
Учение доходит до предела в действии. Сюнь-цзы
Человек продает собаку. Покупатель интересуется: -- А этот песик верный? -- Очень! Я уже три раза его продавал, и он каждый раз воз- вращался.
Hе плюй в колодец, вылетит - не поймаешь!