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» Servers
The eXtended Account Management System (XAMS) allows Administration of Unix, Web, FTP, DNS, and email accounts to manage a provider\\\\
WorkgroupMail Mail Server
WorkgroupMail is a full featured mail server, which can provide any size organization with secure and dependable messaging.
WinaXe Plus
Run Linux/Unix on a MS Windows PC. This simple but powerful 32-bit software package provides a cost-effective way to transform your PC into a powerful X-Windows workstation. All that you need to run remote Unix and X-applications is also included.
Run Linux/Unix on a MS Windows PC. This simple but powerful 32-bit software package provides a cost-effective way to transform your PC into a powerful X-Windows workstation. All that you need to run remote Unix and X-applications is also included.
WebPartner Test and Performance Center
Performs scheduled Stress and Load Testing by executing multiple HTTP/HTTPS/XML/SOAP web transactions simulating your customer's actions. Critical performance data is captured and results are graphically reported via online display or email.
VShell SSH2 server is a secure alternative to Telnet and FTP on Windows and UNIX providing strong encryption, robust authentication and data integrity. Fine-tune your environment with precision control and a selection of authentication methods.
VisNetic MailServer
VisNetic Mail Server is a high performance mail server with an extensive, highly configurable feature set. This secure mail server is also ideal for use as a gateway mail server, features built-in anti spam, Web mail and an instant messaging server.
Gate-and-Way Internet
Quiet navigation, with the safety of a powerful firewall, using only one account with your ISP for all the users on the LAN. Redundant connections.
Other Gate-and-Way's modules: Mail, Fax, Internet, Voice, RAS. All them centrally managed.
Mail Direct
Mail Direct is a program designed to send emails fastly, safely and directly to recipients, bypassing your ISP's mail server. It's not a mail client but it has a built-in SMTP server which can be quickly setup for use with your favorite mail client.
Winmail Mail Server
a professional grade Internet mail server designed for small businesses and great for large multi-branched corporations. provides SMTP, POP3, IMAP, LDAP, WebMail, antivirus, multiple domains, Web based administration, SSL/TLS, public folder.
Нет ничего, на что бы ни дерзнуло воображение человека. Лукреций
- у меня с большевиками расхождение только по аграрному воп росу, - говорит Рабинович. - Они хотят, чтобы я лежал в земле, а я хочу, чтобы они лежали в земле!
И кто же вам сказал что жизнь справедлива?..