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DynSite automatically updates your dynamic IP address each time it changes on one or many dynamic DNS or by email. This allows anyone to connect to the servers running on your own computer using a fully qualified domain name.
InJoy Firewall
Next-generation Deep Packet Inspection Firewall with unique MULTI-PLATFORM support, powerful IPSec VPN capability, and the ULTIMATE multilayered defense. Install this multi-purpose, feel-good product and become an INSTANT SECURITY PROFESSIONAL today.
Gene6 FTP Server
Gene6 FTP Server is a professional Windows FTP Server featuring speed, reliability and customization. Its main assets are remote administration, encrypted (SSL) connection, and ease of use.
Easy Guard Protection Web Edition
Easy Guard Protection Web Edition is the only Web application firewall technology to provide complete protection for the entire Web environment. It provide multi-layer defense for the network, operating systems, Web servers, and backend system.
MailDetective for MDaemon
Use MailDetective for MDaemon to analyze mail server log files and generate extensive e-mail usage reports basing on inbound and outgoing traffic flow, distribution between e-mail users and actual e-mail addresses. FREE trial version available!
DNS2Go is a Dynamic DNS System that will make your computer accessible anytime, anywhere by associating a domain name of your choice to your current Dynamic or Static IP address. DNS2Go also includes VNC Remote Control software.
LiteServe is a powerful, full-featured Web, Mail, FTP, and Telnet server.
Essentia Web Server for Linux
High performance Scalable Web Server, Supporting 1000's of
Virtual Servers,with Built in interfaces for Servlets,JSP,
ISAPI & CGI.Includes Remote Server Management,Log Analysis
Tool & Real Time Server Activity Monitor.
eeMailer - Email Sender
Email sender (SMTP server) can be used by 3rd party software programs to send system alert notifications, SMS alerts, e-Commerce, security alerts, direct (bulk) mail, email notifications and alerts
ExchangeServerRecovery is a data recovery program for Microsoft Exchange Server. ExchangeServerRecovery recovers damaged .EDB files and makes the user able to get the lost data back.
Многие чиновники стальному перу подобны. К. Прутков
Муж и жена обкатывают новую машину. Внезапно мотор глохнет. -- Проклятые свечи! -- ворчит супруг. -- Вполне естественно, милый,-- откликается жена,-- на улице такой сильный ветер...
Мы же с тобой интеллегентные люди, гавнюк