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Net Time Server & Client
The time synchronization application synchronize your PC's system clock or all PC's system clock in your LAN using. The Time and SNTP time protocols are supported. It can work as SNTP server or client. It can work as a NT/2000/XP/2003 service.
CodecSoft GSM Service Management
CodecSoft is a standalone software, operating on a single workstation which allows recording basic activities normally happening in a GSM Service Centre throughout the working day, such as repair & unlock activities along with the customer details.
NewWayService is incontestably the complete software solution you need for your service management. Whatever your industry, NewWayService allows you to follow efficiently your service requests (work orders / Jobs) in an efficient way.
ActiveEmail SMTP E-mail Toolkit
ActiveEmail provides an easy-to-use programming interface to SMTP e-mail and NNTP news communications;
Use it to send messages automatically, or in batches, from applications, web servers, or from the command-line.
Лишь тот равен другому, кто это доказывает, и лишь тот достоин свободы, кто умеет завоевывать ее. Ш. Бодлер
Больной просыпается, удивленно осматривает палату. Увидел соседа, морщит лоб и наконец говорит: -- Мы где-то, кажется, с вами встречались? -- Конечно, именно поэтому мы тут и лежим.
Гинеколог стоматологу : Это тебе не в зубах ковырять ..