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» Development Tools
» Setup Utilities
CreateInstall is a versatile and powerful installer for both expert and novice developers. With CreateInstall, you can create fully featured installation programs for your applications, yielding tightly packed self-extracting archives and more.
Can package and install not only programs but also all kind of files. Includes install and uninstall support for Windows 9.x/NT/ME/2000/XP. Compress all files in a single executable. Setup overhead is less than 10 KB. What you see is what you get.
Creates Windows compatible setup programs from script file. Approaches the gold standarts in this industry and has the gentleman's set of features. The size of the extractor module is only 46k overhead over compressed data size.
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-- Ну как, дорогой, вкусно? -- спрашивает молодая жена своего мужа после первого приготовленного ею обеда. -- Неплохо! Однако в следующий раз, дорогая, не забудь к соли добавить немного супа.
О ДЕНЬГАХ, ВЗЯТЫХ В ДОЛГ: Берешь чужие - и на время, Отдаешь свои - и навсегда!