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Zultrax is a P2P file-sharing program. Search for and download your favorite music and video files shared by other users on a free peer-to-peer network equiped with all modern features amongst which advanced privacy protection.
SumInfos (Summary Information)
Tool to collect summary information, properties: author,comments, date, embedded in all Windows 2000 files. It exports the collection of Microsoft Office documents properties and Macintosh comments to a text file for use by other systems via batch
Ten Thousand Dice
Ten Thousand Dice - A Game of Temptation and Chance for up to 6 players.
The game is played with six dice, and is a race to score at least 10,000 points.
TurboNote+ desktop sticky notes
Sticky notes desktop shareware managing to-do lists, reminders, schedules, instant messaging and other PIM tools to boost business productivity, saving time and money. Easy to install and use, and reliable. Free trial download and affiliate program.
PageSucker Mac
PageSucker is a small utility that allows entire Web page hierarchies to be downloaded automatically. The pages will thereby be modified in such a way that they can then be viewed off-line (even after copying them to a CD-ROM or the like).
HotchPotch is a brandnew game idea. The game presents two pictures to you, which at first sight, seem identical. However, one of them contains a series of, more or less subtle alterations. Can you find them all within the time limit?
Email Templates
Email Templates™ is an add-in to Microsoft Outlook designed to send personalized messages rapidly to individuals and multiple recipients. Email Templates has the ability to create customizable message templates, speeding the handling of email.
Convert Mac filenames to Windows, repair invalid characters, add file extensions automatically to allow PCs to read and work on documents served by Macvolumes. Application or service mode for translation of forbidden names to valid Win conventions
PhotoMazing is designed as a fast and efficient photo viewer and light editor tool. It allows users to setup a photo canvas to view, frame or resize from 1 to 36 images at a time! You have a variety of choices on photo layout.
EzInstall allows you to easily create a self-extracting installer and de-installer for Win32. Automatic short-cut generation, screen saver detection and installation, cut-and paste disclaimer (or message), and a installer-creation report is included: Share your files or programs with the advantage of full file-compression, automatic extraction, shortcut generation, and automatic removal! Great for email, FTP, Internet, or removable media, file distribution.
Невелика беда - услужить неблагодарному, но большое несчастье - принять услугу от подлеца. Ф. Ларошфуко
Крестьянин купил шесть буйволов. Сев на одного из них, погнал их домой. По дороге стал считать: -- Один, два, три, четыре, пять... Снова пересчитал. Пять -- хоть убейся! Заохал крестьянин, разволновался. А тут встречает его жена. Крестьянин, чуть не плача, расска- зал ей о своей оказии: купил шесть буйволов, а домой привел пять. Куда девался шестой? Жена рассмеялась: -- Дурачок мой дорогой, слазь на землю, тогда насчитаешь все семь...
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