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» Shoot-em-up
Chicken Invaders 2
Just when you thought it was safe to eat chicken again, the chickens have returned with an organized invasion to take over the entire solar system! Journey to each planet and fight your way through to save the world (again)! One or two players.
Corndog - the sinister serial screensaver
Ever wonder what happens when meat goes bad? Introducing Corndog-the sinister serial screensaver. This screensaver chronicles the adventures of its hero - Corndog - and the terror that he reaps wherever he goes.
Island Wars 2
Deep in the South Pacific, two islands battle over their palm trees! Hop in your biplane and bomb the enemy trees while using your cannon to protect your own. Features 6 gametypes, 7 mutators, 10 gameplay parameters, 5 skill levels, worldwide scores.
Island Wars
Deep in the South Pacific, two islands are locked in deadly combat for supreme control of... well... their palm trees. Join in the battle and hop in your biplane to bomb the enemy trees while using your cannon to protect your own. 1 or 2 players.
Если сознание смотрит снизу вверх, то подсознание - сверху вниз. Авессалом Подводный
Советские евреи делятся на четыре категории 1. Уездные евреи (которые уезжают). 2. Потомственные евреи (которые уедут потом). 3. России верные жиды (которые остаются). 4. Дважды евреи Советского Союза (которые уезжают и возвращаются назад).
Курица это не птица, курица это еда такая