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Shop 'Til You Drop
Supermarket shopping assistant. Create your weekly shopping list in the order that you walk round the aisles. Do you ever forget an item or have to go around again for something you missed? Not with a shopping list printed from Shop 'Til You Drop.
Shopping Cart Professional
Shopping cart software to create an online store. Insert cart into existing pages or make new pages. One-time licence fee. UNIX, NT and Windows webservers. Payment gateways. Dynamic catalogs. Free 30-day evaluation. Product file as Excel sheet.
Shopping List
Shopping List helps you have a more productive day by planning what you want to do before you leave the house. Records recipes and ingredient lists, and creates web pages for your recipe collection too.
A clever and easy-to-use grocery shopping list manager which will help you prepare and budget for your grocery shopping.
CGI Star Professional
Common Gateway Software (CGI) creation. Interactive web forms. Mail the form content or the entire page. Attach a file and send. Multi-form input or single click submission. Ideal for online order, feedback, subscriptions, etc. CGI on your server.
Now Youre Cooking!
Award-winning cyberkitchen companion for Windows XP/Me/2K/9x/NT4. Cuts hours off organizing recipes, meal plans, nutrition analysis, shopping lists, grocery cost management.
GiftBox Plus
GiftBox™ is your complete gift idea and gift tracking software for Palm OS® handhelds, Pocket PC or Windows Mobile handhelds, and Windows PCs! Keep track of each person's birthday, anniversary, clothing sizes, hobbies, colors... anything you want!
Advanced Store Builder
Advanced Store Builder is an Advanced Portal product offered to any website hosted with us. It helps you create, manage and sell your products and services via an online store. It also helps you manage your products' pricing and payment methods.
Я не научился любить свою родину с закрытыми глазами, с преклоненной головой, с запертыми устами... Я полагаю, что мы пришли после других для того, чтобы делать лучше их, чтобы не впадать в их ошибки, в их заблуждения и суеверия. П.Я. Чаадаев
Женщина видит, что ее соседка нервничает. -- Что случилось, Маша? -- Мои муж пошел на -речку топить кошку. -- Не переживай. Скоро вернется. -- Я бы не волновалась, но кошка еще час назад вернулась вся мокрая.
По-видимому, Бог создал женщину позднее потому, что не захотел слушать советов при создании мужчины.