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» Smtp
VisNetic MailServer
VisNetic Mail Server is a high performance mail server with an extensive, highly configurable feature set. This secure mail server is also ideal for use as a gateway mail server, features built-in anti spam, Web mail and an instant messaging server.
Textweb is a hypertext notepad with a reporting and cross-referencing feature. It has a simple browser interface. It is intended to help record and think about complex networks of ideas, things, or people, and their interactions.
MS Exchange Server is not able to collect mails from external POP3 or IMAP4 accounts. popConnect is built to do that. It connects to POP3 or IMAP4 accounts, requests the mails and moves them to the right exchange mailbox. It works every Exchange.
IGetMail works with your Microsoft Exchange email server to download incoming POP3 email from multiple remote servers. It supports individual and group/domain accounts. Uses dial-up networking and operates on a time/frequency schedule you define.
C-Mail provides command line access to SMTP email. Without C-Mail, sending email from automated process and batch routines may prove difficult or impossible . Now, notifications of batch style jobs and even attached files can be sent automatically.
No Spam Today! for Workstations
No Spam Today! for Workstations was created for users of Outlook, Outlook Express and all other POP3 email clients to protect mailboxes against spam.
No Spam Today! SMTP Proxy Free
SMTP proxy mail filter that acts between the internet and your mail server. Incoming mail is accepted from the open internet, checked for spam or viruses, and then delivered to your existing SMTP mail server. Compatible with all mail server software.
MDaemon offers a full range of mail server functionality. MDaemon protects your users from spam and viruses, provides full security, includes seamless web access to your email via WorldClient, includes remote administration, and much more!
No Spam Today! SMTP Proxy
SMTP proxy mail filter that acts between the internet and your mail server. Incoming mail is accepted from the open internet, checked for spam or viruses, and then delivered to your existing SMTP mail server. Compatible with all mail server software.
fax@NET Server
fax@NET Server receives fax messages (modem and ISDN) and sends them via SMTP to your mailaccount. You can send your faxes easily via the WebClient, the fax@NET Printer or programmatically via a TCP socket communication.
Подумать только, учиться живым чувствам, живым мыслям у мертвой материи - у тряпья и типографской краски! Б. Шоу
-- Сразу видно, что вы женаты. -- Почему вы так решили? -- Брюки выглажены, рубашка чистая, все пуговицы пришиты. -- А-а... Этому всему жена ускоренным методом научила ме- ня еще во время медового месяца.
Меня изнасиловал один паpень. Плева у меня сpослась, но обpазовался еще один клитоp.