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» Software Development
RADGui Rapid Application Development Tool for .Net
Rapid Application Development in C#.
RADGui lets you:
- Build professional looking commercial software.
- Build all program modules.
- Define data entities
- Build menus
- Build data forms and listings
- Persist you data to XML
Email Component for .NET. Features: HTML Email with automatic image embedding, authentication, automatically ZIP compress attachments, supports message queuing on IIS & emailQ.NET, mail merge, multiple attachments, multiple recipients, & more
SoftwareShield System
The SoftwareShield System is a full featured licensing and copy-protection system for software developers who create Windows applications. Using the SoftwareShield System allows your team will save substantial development time and money.
Splash Screen Machine
Create custom splash screen applications that display a Flash movie or an image, and then run a program or any other type of file. The splash screens support Autorun and are therefore ideal for introducing files run on a CD.
Convert any application into time-limited shareware. Generate serial numbers to register it. A function library offering a flexible locking system with solid encryption. Easy to implement. Support for VB, C++, Delphi, other languages.
Bug Tracking/Defect Tracking Single User License
Bug Tracker is a software for bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking during software testing stage. It offers auto task assignment, bug attachment, powerful filter, flexible right control,flexible work flow, printing and automatic login.
Gotta Know Now - Web Page Watcher
Gotta Know Now continuously watches web pages that you specify for text, updates, or availability. If the text appears or an update occurs, Gotta Know Now will alert you with an audible sound and email.
Bug Tracking/Defect Tracking 5 User License
Bug Tracker is a software for bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking during software testing stage. It offers auto task assignment, bug attachment, powerful filter, flexible right control,flexible work flow, printing and automatic login.
Не растравляй раны ближнего, страждущему предлагай бальзам... Копая другому яму, сам в нее попадешь. К. Прутков
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20 января гр. Герасимов выпал из окна 2 этажа. Возможно ли наступление смерти?