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» Utilities
» Software Security
ShareGuard V1
ShareGuard: This program is for Shareware developers who want to protect their software and increase revenues. This is a complete software copy protection system for shareware developers. Allows for muliple protection and software delivery methods.
JpegGuard JPEG Image Protection
JpegGuard: This program is for JPEG users who want to protect their images and avoid potential embarrassment. This program will encrypt all of your .JPG and .JPEG files on
your computer. This prevents others from viewing your encrypted JPEG images.
MP3Guard MP3 Protection
MP3Guard: This program is for musicians who want to sell or distribute mp3 files online. This program will encrypt your mp3 files . This includes an MP3 player for playing the MP3 files. Users cannot copy your files.
Если собираетесь кого-нибудь полюбить, научитесь сначала прощать. А.В. Вампилов
-- Меня ужалила ваша пчела,-- жалуется дачник соседу, ко- торый разводит пчел. -- Покажите, которая! Я ее накажу!
Второй закон Архимеда гласит: "Жидкость, погруженная в тело, через семь лет пойдет в школу"