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» Sound Recorders
Smart Wallpaper Lite
This tool will automatically change wallpaper on each Windows startup or at specified time intervals. This application is very simple to use - you can set all options in the tray icon popup menu.
Modem Spy
Modem spy records all phone calls. Features: 1) records phone conversations. 2) records from microphone. 3) plays back recorded mesages via phone line. 4) Plays back recorded mesages via sound card. 5) Can record ALL incomming phone calls. 6) Has built-in software automatic gain control. 7) Detects and logs Caller ID
Advanced RTF2PDF Converter
Advanced RTF2PDF Converter is a specialized application for quickly and easily convertion RTF and TXT files to PDF documents. Simply select the text or RTF file, page properties, font, and other options, then save it as a PDF.
Если сознание смотрит снизу вверх, то подсознание - сверху вниз. Авессалом Подводный
В Ленинграде в 1990 останется одна еврейка - Аврора Крейсер
Товарищи курсанты, ваши фамилии ? - Иванов, Петров, Сидоров! - Вы что, братья? - Hет, однофамильцы.