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» Development Tools
» Source Code
VB Source Code Controls
Visual Basic Source Code that demonstrates how to make VB Controls by using a Picturebox and pure VB Code. Free source code for making Command Buttons and additional source code for making Calendars, Clocks, Sliders and a Scheduler is available.
CodeVista II
With CodeVista, programmers can store and organize snippets of code, whole classes or even complete program installation kits as well as any other type of files together with rich text formatted notes and descriptions, Internet links and much more.
Advanced SQL Code Collection
Powerful editor that enables you to write your SQL scripts efficiently. It includes SQL syntax highlighting, large base of SQL code templates, power search engine and convenient bookmarks.
...умение беседы требует мало слов. Куда больше это искусство пауз. З. Юрьев
-- Ты слышала? Лола вышла замуж за рентгенолога. -- Интересно! Это, наверное, единственный мужчина, кото- рый сумел в ней что-то увидеть.
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