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» Spam Filters
SpamSeparator is a tool for creating spam filters to sort your emails on the server. You do not need to download each spam message or virus. The entire job is done on the server. You receive a report on all delivered and undelivered (spam) messages.
SpamWeed Anti-Spam Filter
A powerful & easy-to-use spam filter that blocks over 95% spam instantly for Outlook, OE & other email clients. Spam are placed in a quarantine area & can be retrieved or deleted. SpamWeed learns from mistakes & its detection rate improves with use.
Active Scripting Fast Disable
Block popup ads and Outlook email spam with this quick-toggle utility. Disable and enable Active Scripting and picture display in four different Internet Explorer security zones, with a single click or keypress. No setup is required.
Extensible Messaging Platform Anti-Spam Filter
Server based Anti-Spam Filter protects organizational mail servers (Exchange Server, Novell GroupWise, Lotus Domino, Sendmail, etc) from spam, email-borne viruses and objectionable content using contextual pattern signatures (not simple keywords).
Философия торжествует над горестями прошлого и будущего, но горести настоящего торжествуют над философией. Ф. Ларошфуко
Супруги купили в магазине сервиз. Жена обращается к мужу: -- Держи ребенка, а коробку с сервизом дай мне. У тебя ужас- ная привычка все выпускать из рук... Дырявые они у тебя, что ли?
П Р О Д А М: цветной фото-альбом "Пизанская башня". башлять в пизанях