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Tennis 2001
At first sight this game looks very easy. But only at first sight. You will spend many hours with this game if you want to win.
With this game you may play multiplayer without net.
3-IN-A-BED is a computer darts game which can be played on most Windows operating systems. You can play exhibition matches against a friend or the computer, or select career mode, in which you play in realistic ranking events around the world.
Beach Slam Pro Beach Volleyball
Beach Slam Pro Beach Volleyball is a fast-paced realistic Beach Volleyball Simulation. The unique mouse-driven gameplay focuses on strategy rather than just reflexes. Each player has 8 different skill and size attributes, Career Mode, Player Editor..
Щедрость состоит не столько в том, чтобы давать много, сколько в том, чтобы давать своевременно. Ж. Лабрюйер
- правда ли, что Дзержинский любил детей - правда. Он ненавидел только их родителей.
"Исполнилось 100 лет со дня рождения выдающегося американского поэта Янки Купалы"