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Software to Administer Fantasy Racing Leagues. NASCAR, F1, CART, IRL, Etc.
Race Day
A highly addictive and exciting horse racing simulation, Race Day gives you the chance to spend a day at the track. Try your luck and see how much you can win!
Professional Tournament Organizer
Tournament scheduling software and organizer. The system will do knockout and round robin tournaments with auto generating draws and the auto generated time schedules as well as tournament costs.
SpotNote is a quick and easy editing and commenting tool that can be used with many programs. SpotNote allows you to make comments and corrections directly ON TOP of the document, so your original document remains unchanged.
The setup goes very quickly with an assisted input prompted from a file of over 200 NCAA school names. But, as an alternative, the author will post (at this WEB site) the "pairings file" for the NCAA Basketball tournament when announced.
Pong Solo
Pong Solo is a single player pong game for the EXTREME PONG enthusiast. Extra effort was put into the game to allow for as much control over the game rules as possible,you can play against as many as 3 computers.
Pocket PC pitching chart that tracks pitch location, pitch count, balls/strikes and pitch velocity by type of pitch and inning. Data can quickly be exported to the desktop version of Professional Pitching.
PlaceforGames: Tactical Soccer
Tactical Soccer is an exciting new turn-based simulation of the soccer match. Features single exhibition match, knock-out cup and league tournament.
SwimShark is swimming software which keeps you organized and on top of your swimming career. SwimShark is loaded with features that are useful to competitive and non-competitive swimmers and comes with a very lightweight price tag.
Swingpro is a combination software/wireless swing chronograph that can measure swing speed (MPH) and reaction time (hundreds of seconds).
Можно восхищаться древностью, но следовать нужно современности. Тацит
Мужик женился во второй раз. Жена попалась -- грех жа- ловаться. Но что ни сварит, ни спечет -- не угодит. А тут еще такое приключилось. Поставила она жарить мясо, а в это время свинья в огород выскочила. Пока загнала -- мясо пригорело. Подает она мужу это мясо и боится, что будет ругать. А он ест и приговаривает: -- Вот вкусное, будто моя покойница готовила, царство ей небесное. Попробовала тогда жена нарочно плохой хлеб испечь, сяк- так пиццу приготовила,-- все равно хвалит муж. А секрет в том, что муж привык, бедняга, к плохой хозяй- ке, а отвыкнуть трудно.
Старый конь, борозды не испротит.