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» Spreadsheet
GeneralCost Estimator for Excel
General Construction Cost Estimator. Save time and money in cost estimating. Designed for contractors, remodelers, estimators. Built-in user-modifiable labor and material unit cost data in industry-standard CSI format covering general construction.
ExcelEverywhere for ASP & ASP.NET
Solve your problem using Microsoft Excel, and let ExcelEverywhere generate an ASP or ASP.NET-page. Looks like and calculates like the spreadsheet. Supports 140 Excel-functions. Code-behind module for backend-integration. No Excel needed on server!
ExcelEverywhere for Java/JSP
Good-looking calculating JSP-page from Excel.
Separate JavaBean with full source. 140 functions supported. No Excel needed on server. Both Windows and *nix supported. Easy to do backend-integration. Fast updating: fix spreadsheet and generate again
HomeCost Estimator for Excel
HomeCost Estimator for Excel. Home Construction Cost Estimating System. Designed for builders, contractors, architects, adjusters. Built-in modifiable data for local city indexes, class, type and style factors, upgrade and additional feature prices.
ExcelEverywhere for HTML
Create WEB page that looks and functions the same as your MS Excel spreadsheet. No programming needed. Supports 140 Excel-functions. Use it for expense report, survey, order forms, reservation forms, employment application, financial advisor, ROI.
JobCost Controller for Excel
Construction Jobcost Tracking and Reporting System for Excel. Designed for contractors, builders, remodelers, construction professionals. Tracks construction costs tied to user-defined cost categories, computes accurate forecasts, reports variances.
JoinLine fixes text files with long fixed length records and unwanted line wraps. Programs import records with data on the same line. JoinLine can restore the wrapped records to single line records.
ESQuotes - Real time stock quotes
Powerful Excel workbook for stocks & mutual funds. Quotes directly from Internet with no downloads or conversions. Manage stocks & mutual funds your way. Stealth quote interface uses simple & familiar =functions(). Works with all proxy servers.
Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel
Analyse-It for Excel: General Statistics brings statistical analysis to Microsoft Excel 95, 97, 2000 and XP, with 14 parametric and 17 nonparametric procedures for descriptive statistics, testing normality, comparing groups, correlation, and regressi
Что мелко в серьезной форме, то может быть глубоко в остроумной. Г. Лихтенберг
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