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Shortcut Explorer
Shortcut Explorer looks a lot like Windows Explorer and is intended for shortcut file management. The columns in the right pane show, for each shortcut file, the information from the Properties page (target, directory, hotkey, etc.).
1st TurboRun
1st TurboRun is Net's most convenient Start menu replacement! Forget irritating browsing through folders and constant clicking. Down with solutions that take weeks to configure before they start working. This solution works instantly!
Launch applications by typing few characters of its name. Quickly run the most recent or the most used programs, find recently installed Start Menu shortcuts. Place the most used information in the handy toolbar. Manage your Windows startup programs.
Find Shortcuts
The window that appears as Find Shortcuts starts is similar to the Find Files window that comes with Windows 98. Most of the elements (menus, buttons, etc.) should be familiar. Shortcuts can be tested to see if they are still valid.
Ожидание несчастья, может быть, худшее несчастье, чем самое несчастье. Т. Тассо
Академию художеств переименовали в "серовню"
Кто бросает курить, тот оттягивает свой конец, а кто курит, кончает раком.