
В начало
» Utilities
» Startup Managers
Startup Genie
Startup Genie is a handy software utility that allows you to control what programs run at system startup when you turn on or logon to your computer. You can optimize the Windows startup, services, dlls, and other startup options. Free download!
Startup Guru
Startup Guru will manage how your Windows computer starts up each time. You can add, remove or temporarily disable any item. Great for removing adware/spyware or anything else that is slowing down your ability to get started using your computer!
Autorunman is a handy Windows startup manager. It searches a system for programs running automatically on Windows startup even those hiding themselves in the Registry. Enable and disable application with a single mouse click!
ActiveStartup allows you to manage programs which load from Registry, Win.ini and Startup Menu
at Windows Startup. Using ActiveStartup, you can inspect, edit, and/or temporary disable such
programs, make backup configurations, and so on.
OnStart Pro
OnStart Pro is a multi-user startup manager for Windows 2000/XP/2003 that allows you to control startup sets of every user on your computer.
А притворившись таким, скоро и станешь таков. Овидий
Отец девушки говорит кандидату в зятья: -- Вы, очевидно, курите, пьете, играете в карты и погляды- ваете на женщин? -- Нет. у меня нет таких недостатков. -- Ну и плохо, очень плохо, поскольку у меня эти недостатки есть и я не хочу, чтобы моя жена постоянно ставила мне вас в пример!
Большому кораблю - большая торпеда!