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» Stock Quotes
Catfood Quote
Catfood Quote tracks your stock portfolio from the Windows taskbar - you can see at a glance if your portfolio is up or down for the day. Quotes are pulled from the Amex, LSE, Nasdaq, NYSE and TSE markets.
DataBull - download stock quotes
DataBull is a comprehensive downloader for historical, end-of-day and intraday data from over 50 international exchanges. DataBull directly passes the data into your TA-software.
Unique software that makes it possible to monitor and focus on specific parts of websites. With IFocus you can navigate to a site, focus on a part of it (news, weather, stock quotes...) and view it while still working on other applications.
Такая уж была у него привычка, что с книгой он спал гораздо лучше, чем без нее. Ф. Рабле
-- Двойра, наша тетя Рахиль умерла, вот письмо из Америки. -- Ах, какое несчастье, какое несчастье! -- Погоди. Она завещала нам пять тысяч долларов... -- Ах, дай ей, Боже, здоровья!
Это вам чревато боком.