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StocksAloud helps you manage your investments and business interests by tracking companies for you. It let's you specify stock information to be read aloud for quick updates or full updates as well as listen to related news headlines.

SprinN Standard eng

SprinN, the best prediction tool based on Artificial Intelligence techniques (Artificial Neural Networks), gives you accurate open, hold and close recommendations for your investments in Capital Markets. Up to three variables per model.

SprinN Lite eng

SprinN, the best prediction tool based on Artificial Intelligence techniques (Artificial Neural Networks), gives you accurate open, hold and close recommendations for your investments in Capital Markets. Up to three variables per model.


Uses principal components analysis to search out potentially underpriced stocks by analyzing a user-supplied database of historical stock prices. The program is believed to be an implementation of what is known as 'arbitrage pricing theory'.

Personal Stock Streamer

Personal Stock Stock Streamer is an advanced investing tool that combines real time streaming quotes and technical analysis charts with a complete transaction based portfolio manager that recalculates the value of your holdings in realtime.

PAM - the Pocket Asset Manager

PAM - The Pocket Stock and Asset Manager makes updating your stock portfolio a breeze. Either in the cradle or wirelessly connected, PAM uses your existing Internet connection and efficiently retrieve stock quotes from North American exchanges.

Historical Quotes Downloader

Historical Quotes Downloader is a software which allows you instantly download intraday and daily historical quotes of stocks, mutual funds, options, indices and commodity futures traded in US or Canada

M7 X3.5 Stocks Analyst

Free Stock Market Analysis Selection Software finds the best stocks by sector. Based on the famous M7 technology. Shows strengths, weakness, and profit potential. Colorful graphic display w true 3D shadows. Fast. Uses free Internet data.

ABC Amber XML Converter

ABC Amber XML Converter is a powerful XML/XSL processor which converts your XML documents into any document format (PDF, HTML, RTF, TXT ANSI, TXT Unicode, DOC, MCW, WRI, WPD, WK4, WPS, SAM, RFT, WSD, and more) easily and quickly.

Investment Studio

Plan, track and analyze your investments. Build custom screens in seconds. Program grids, charts and multi-asset trading systems with simple, spreadsheet-style expressions and almost 400 powerful built-in functions. Create custom indicators.

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