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» Streaming Audio
Replay Radio
Replay Radio makes it easy to record radio broadcasts. Pick from 500 pre-defined shows or 700 stations, and Replay Radio records for you as an MP3 file or CD. Now you can listen to your favorite radio shows anytime, anywhere, and even skip the ads!
If you love music but you hate traditional Radio, then you will love UdoRadio! With UdoRadio you program what you want and listen only to what you like! And, because you're not always in the same mood, we give you five fully customizable channels.
WM Recorder
WM Recorder is a revolutionary new way to record Windows Media video and audio streams.
WM Recorder is extremely easy to use. With just one click, any streamed Windows Mediaв„ў audio or video is saved as a recorded file on your PC automatically!
Listen and record thousands of internet radio stations! Relay audio streams. Create your own CDs. Collect and manage downloaded media. Artist title and song name in collected files. Browse through the radio stations selecting on genre and bandwidth.
iRadio Lite
Easy to use cheap internet radio ripper. Listen and record thousands of internet radio stations! Relay audio streams. Browse through the radio stations selecting on genre and bandwidth.
Internet Radio Ripper
The name tells it all! A program to download streaming songs from Internet radio stations. Save all the title, artist, album, release year and THE SONG ITSELF to your computer for later enjoyment. Songs are of all genres such as Hiphop, 80's, etc.
MP3 Sound Stream
MP3 Sound Stream makes high quality 56K streaming audio from MP3 or WAV files. Select a file and it will create a web page and Flash animations that stream the audio. It uses LAME compression to produce very high quality output.
Когда со мной сразу соглашаются, я чувствую, что я не прав. О. Уайльд
В концерне "Мацусита дэнки" уволили рабочего. Тот обра- тился в суд, который обязал концерн восстановить его на работе. И тогда администрация подвергла рабочего своеобразному наказанию. У входа на завод построили будку. Строптивому рабочему было сказано, что отныне его производственное задание -- нахо- диться в будке весь рабочий день и... ничего не делать. Зарплату он получал исправно... Через месяц рабочего отправили в больницу с нервным расстройством.
Формула мужской любви - помнит имя, значит любит