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» Submission Software
Submit By Rick Freeware
A freeware submission program for FFAs and classified sites to submit to the free for all link sites or classified sites of your choice by Sensei J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc.
The Classified Connection
The Classified Connection is website promotion and submission software for submitting your business, product, or services ads to classified sites on the Internet. Post up to 50,000 ads in fewer than 10 minutes using the 95-port submission system.
MyFree Classifieds
Posting free classified ads has never been this easy, but not only is it easy, but its fast, really, really fast! Post your free classified ads in all 1,300 high-traffic, Top 5, free Citynews classifieds sites worldwide in seconds. 1,300 free ads.
Если на клетке слона прочтешь надпись "буйвол", не верь глазам своим. К. Прутков
Петька переплывает Урал на трофейном контрабасе. На берег его встречает Фурманов. - а где Чапай? - спрашивает он. - Василий Иваныч с роялью. По дну толкает.
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