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» Surveillance
Winvestigator starts on boot, and runs undetectable in Windows capturing keystrokes, URL's, mouse-clicks, and screen shots to an encrypted log file (can be auto emailed). A web style interface and thorough help make it easy to use this powerful tool.
Studio Surveillance
Studio Surveillance is designed for use as a continuous video recording software for time-lapse video recording and CCTV surveillance applications. Motion detection allows monitoring and recording of movement within an area.
Spy detect is an anti-spy program. Spy detect performs a scan but this is just in case you have a known spy file. Spy detects main feature is the Data fill test which is unique to Spy detect and very accurate in detecting spy software.
Spytech SpyAOL is the award winning monitoring tool that allows you to record what users do while they are using America Online. SpyAOL secretly records all AOL activities - unknown to the users of your PC.
SpyAnywhere provides the power to remotely control computer's with SpyAnywhere installed - all from your favorite web-browser! SpyAnywhere allows many powerful controls for remote control, and also allows you to remotely monitor/spy other computers.
ProBot is a PC surveillance utility with remote administration and live monitoring features. Detailed reporting, flexibility, and e-mail delivery may help to detect data loss from electronic espionage and investigate computer crimes.
SDE for IntelliJ IDEA (PE) for Java Platform
SDE for IntelliJ IDEA is a UML tool tightly integrated with IntelliJ IDEA. You can draw all UML diagrams (class, use case, sequence, collaboration, statechart, activity, component, deployment, object) and perform textual analysis in IntelliJ IDEA...
CamSurveillance supports you on the way to a secure company. Adjust up to 50 IP addressable network cameras with motion detection and run them simultaneous.
Pcspy will monitor all keyboard activity, page titles, websites visited, passwords, email and more. The logs are encrypted and Pcspy will also silently email the logs to a pre-defined email address.
CamPanel Digital Surveillance
CamPanel lets you monitor and record from many camera feeds at the same time. Use webcams or camcorders, directly connected to your computer or accessed via Internet or LAN. Motion detection and tracking, video capture tools, pan/tilt capability.
Образ мыслей ненаказуем. Ульпиан
Больной просыпается, удивленно осматривает палату. Увидел соседа, морщит лоб и наконец говорит: -- Мы где-то, кажется, с вами встречались? -- Конечно, именно поэтому мы тут и лежим.
...и на нашей улице КАМАЗ с анашой перевернется...