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» System Administration
VisualPulse Web Edition
VisualPulse enables 24x7 Web-based monitoring of Web pages, servers, network nodes, and TempTrax devices, reporting Ping, HTTP, SNMP, TCP statistics and temperature readings. Provides automated alerts and traceroute capture for problem analysis.
Transparent Screen Lock PRO for WinNT/2000/XP/2003
Password protect your workstation or server with Transparent Screen Lock PRO while
viewing programs that are running. Log file tracks invalid logons. Prevent system access via CTRL-ALT-DEL. Grant access to Adminstrators or other authenticated users
Transparent Screen Lock for WinNT/2000/XP/2003
Password protect your workstation or server with Transparent Screen Lock while
viewing programs that are running. Any attempts to access the system will
display a message box to request the password. Includes a log file to track activity.
Multi-Remote Registry Change
The fastest, easiest and most complete remote Windows NT registry management tool available. With the ability to change tens of thousands of keys per minute, it can reduce the amount of time you spend doing registry maintenance from days to minutes
Asset Tracker for Networks
This program is used to audit software and hardware components installed on the network PCs. It will collect your network inventory information, provide you with the detailed reports and allow you to export assets details to SQL database or web site
Alchemy Network Inventory
Network Administrators use this tool to inventory computers in the corporate networks for the software and hardware configuration, generate software licenses reports, etc.
jBrowse is a free Internet Explorer plugin that can insert word definitions and pronunciations into Japanese web pages. Move the mouse over a japanese word and an English definition appears in the toolbar.
Network Administrator's Toolkit
Network management tools. Consists of the three components that will monitor your corporate servers availability, inventory user workstations and allow you to fix user PC's misconfiguration problems without having to leave your own workplace
NeoExec Professional
NeoExec is an operating system extension for Windows 2000/XP that allows the setting of Administrative privileges at the application level rather than at the user level.
Neon Ant WebMonitor
Whether you have hundreds of websites to monitor or you have one website with lots of pages - try Neon Ant WebMonitor. Alerts you by onscreen display, email, sound, event log, or dialog box. Customizable options.
Беда тех, кто пишет быстро, состоит в том, что они не могут писать кратко. В. Скотт
В актовом зале - два портрета: академика иванова, которы изобрел паровоз, пароход и самолет, и академика петрова, который изобрел академика иванова.
Как-то я его ознакомила с оральным сексом. Он так обалдел, что до сих пор удивляется.