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» Utilities
» System Monitoring
ServersCheck STANDARD Edition
ServersCheck is a software application for round-the-clock monitoring, reporting and alerting on the availability of systems. It includes real-time HTML reports, graphs and Service Level details. ServersCheck can be administrated through a browser.
Smart WorkTime Tracker
Fully automated and programmers-oriented tracking of time spent working on projects developed using the computer. To do list. Export to MS Access Database. HTML reports.
SpyAnytime PC Spy
Allows you to secretly monitor and record all activities of computer users with just a simple click, e.g. keystroke, email, online chat, password, web site, and take screen snapshot at set intervals but does NOT require you to have advanced computer
007 Spy Software
Secretly monitor and record all activity of computer users and automatically deliver logs to you via Email or FTP at set interval, including keystrokes, emails, online chat, files operation, Web site visited, and take snapshot of the entire desktop.
PbxTools PhoneJournal
PbxTools PhoneJournal is a call accounting software designed for small and medium offices that can help reducing the phone bill and give real-time information about outgoing and incoming calls inside the company.
Autorunman is a handy Windows startup manager. It searches a system for programs running automatically on Windows startup even those hiding themselves in the Registry. Enable and disable application with a single mouse click!
Overseer Network Monitor
W2K network monitor providing easy installation, MMC configuration, and runs as a service to provide rock-solid reliability. Monitors websites, network devices, servers, services, and notifies administrators via Email, pager, cell phone, or net send.
General Aviation 2
25 professional general aviation photos in each of three series. Use this versatile screen-saver engine which rotates 25 photos of general aviation photographs and an optional soundtrack of MIDI-based tunes. Features include 23 transition effects
Теории представляют собой не ответы на загадки, а ответы, на которых мы можем успокоиться. У. Джемс
У телефонной будки собралась толпа. В будке молча стоит мужчина с прижатой к уху трубкой. -- Или разговаривайте, или выходите,-- требуют из толпы.-- Вы молчите уже десять минут! -- Прошу извинить, уважаемые,-- отвечает мужчина,-- но я разговариваю со своей женой!
После менингита либо умирают, либо становятся дураками. Мой брат умер, а мне повезло.