
В начало
» Utilities
» System Tray
PSS Control Pack 1
This handy pack of activex controls for th Visual Basic Developer, it contains PSS Update Check, PSS System Tray Icon and PSS Safe Subclass. These controls are essential for almost any VB project you are working on.
PSS System Tray Icon Control
PSS System Tray Icon Control is a Royalty Free control that allows you to quickly add your application to the System Tray. You can change the icon and tooltip while displayed and a simple set of events event let you know when the icon is clicked
AppAway is the easiest way to hide any program. The program will not appear on the screen, in the taskbar or when you alt+tab. Just drag the AppAway icon from the system tray onto the software you want to hide. And AppAway is SMALL, it's only 72kb
HeldUp keeps any application window in full view on the desktop. HeldUp is resource friendly because it's so small (70kb), and it's simple and easy to use. Just grab the icon from the system tray, drag and drop it on the window to hold up.
Atomic Launch Tray
Atomic Launch Tray is a program that sits in your system tray and allows you to add links to your favorite programs or websites and access them quickly from the system tray.
Сомнение - отчаяние мысли; отчаяние - сомнение личности. С. Кьеркегор
Суд. Женщина обвиняется в убийстве супруга. -- Значит, вы подсыпали яд в суп и потчевали мужа? Как это произошло? -- Он сел за стол и спокойно поужинал. И вы не почувствовали угрызений совести? Почувствовала... Когда он попросил добавки.
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