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» System Utilities
NetSecrets [e-mail]
It is the first real-time network utility designed to make the complex tasks of monitoring e-mail traffic easy. Using new capture technology, it makes two functions - captures e-mail messages in the network and sends them on your address.
Network Searcher
A new generation of network searching utilities. With Network Searcher you can search IP subnetworks, schedule search start time, apply unique search filters and build reports instantly in 4 different formats. FREE trial version!
Openwall wordlists collection CD
A full CD (600 MB) containing an extensive collection of wordlists for 20+ languages and lists of common passwords intended for use with password recovery utilities.
PAL Evidence Eliminator
This program helps protect your privacy and recover hard drive space by cleaning tracks of Internet activity on your computer. It will clean your history logs, cache, cookies and recent document list. It also allows you to shredd files and folders.
PALADIN Evidence Eliminator
Evidence Eliminator helps protect your privacy and recover hard drive space by cleaning tracks of Internet activity on your computer. It will clean your history logs, cache, cookies and recent document list. It also allows you to shredd files.
Password Builder
In creation of the password there will be participate only allowed charsets:
- Upper case (A-Z)
- Lower case (a-z)
- Numeric (0-9)
- Misc (! " * $ % and ' () * +,-./:; <=>? ` [\] ^ _ ` {|} ~)
Path Lister
View a customizable listing of the contents for any folder on your computer. Save it as text or PDF.
PC Cleaner
Fix PC problems and prevent them from happening again. Comes with 1.PRIVACY PROTECOR 2.System Cleaner and Optimizer 3.Find Duplicate FIles.
PC Optimizer
Fix PC problems and prevent them from happening again. Comes with PRIVACY PROTECOR,
System Cleaner and Optimizer,
System Files backup and Restore,
Registry Cleaner and Optimizer,
Registry Defragger,
Secure Delete,
Find Duplicate Files
Perfect Keyboard PRO
The program allows a user to create a file of frequently used phrases, paragraphs, e-mail addresses, macros, clipboard entries, scripts, etc. and use them in any application just by typing a short abbreviation (text shortcut) or pressing a hotkey.