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eXtended Task Manager
The Warecase eXtended Task Manager (XTM) is an extended windows task manager and performance monitoring tool designed for simplifying the environment of the software developer.
m9P Zipper X
m9P Zipper X is a simple file compression (zipping) & decompression (unzipping) tool. It is specifically designed to handle zipping and unzipping using the [.zip] format. m9P Zipper X outputs very small zipped files! Buy Now and receive 30% discount.
m9P Zipper XT
m9P Zipper XT is a user-friendly heavy-duty file compression (zipping) and decompression (unzipping) tool. It is specifically designed to handle zipping and unzipping using the [.zip] format. m9P Zipper XT outputs very small zipped files!
R-Excel Recovery
R-Excel is a tool designed to recover corrupted Microsoft Excel Sheets. New improvements of file reconstruction technology IntelligentRebuild allow the users to reconstruct damaged *.xls files and to restore lost Excel sheets quickly and easily.
GoldenSection Notes
GSNotes is a user-friendly e-notebook that organizes your notes in a folder tree format for your convenience and works as a word processor. The program has received dozens of awards and supports over 20 languages. Download your copy now!
Advanced CheckSum Verifier
Comprehensive SFV and MD5 checksum utility for Windows. The handy and fast utility for protecting the integrity of files. It will allow you to verify the accuracy of your data after you burn a CD or transfer a files over a network.
Cresotech PocketLANce
Cresotech PocketLANce is a unique application allowing Pocket PC users to browse and manage LAN resources on their PDA devices. Access your corporate or personal LAN resources using your Pocket PC both outside and inside of your office!
Flobo Word Recovery
Recovers Microsoft Word (.doc) corrupted files. It provides recovery for text and image.
Chameleon allows you to hide files, directory files by compressing , encrypting , scrambling them and then attaching them to the host files of your choice. This Chameleon file then looks and behaves like a normal file.
Hide Folders XP
This ground-breaking folder hiding and protection software allows you to protect all the private information on your hard drive once and for all! Only a person who knows the password will be able to reveal hidden folders! Download FREE trial now!
Детские болезни больше всего изводят родителей. Б. Барташевич
-- Привет, Берии! Что случилось с твоим дядей? -- Он сломал руку. -- Как это произошло? -- Он смотрел телевизор, сзади тихо подошла тетя и, шутя, ущипнула его. Он испугался, потерял сознание. -- Ну и что? -- А то, что тетя тоже испугалась, вызвала скорую. Когда са- нитары несли дядю в машину, он пришел в себя. Санитары спро- сили, что с ним произошло. Он рассказал. Они рассмеялись, уро- нили носилки, и дядя сломал себе руку.
Замечательная фраза: добро всегда побеждает зло! Так и неясно, кто кого побеждает...