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» Utilities
» System Utilities
Reg Organizer
A powerful System Registry and configuration files manager that lets you view, edit and
clean the Registry and preview the registry files you want to import (including the ability
to preview files directly from Windows Explorer)
Task Manager for Excel
Task Manager for Excel is an application written for Microsoft Excel that simplifies task management by providing a prioritized to do list with built in scheduled reminders. Its user-friendly, intuitive interface makes the program very easy to use.
Registry Analyst
Does your computer's work is slow? Does your system crashes often?
The Registry Analyst introduces a solution to this problems.
It analyzes the system registry, finds invalid entries and fixes them.
Registry Doctor
Fix PC problems and prevent them from happening again. Comes with 1.System Files backup and Restore 2.Registry Cleaner and Optimizer 3.Registry Defragger and Optimizer.
Registry Drill
The Registry Drill is the most in-depth Registry utility and cleaner.It goes through the Registry character by character searching for any possible errors.
Registry First Aid
Tired of Windows crashing? Sick of having software lock up on you or taking forever to load? The problem could be those incorrect registry entries caused by software installations and un-installations that went awry! Registry First Aid can fix that!
Registry Mechanic
Registry Mechanic is an advanced registry cleaner for Windows that can safely clean and repair problems with your registry in a few simple mouse clicks! Easily fix problems with the Windows registry that are a common cause of crashes and errors.
Registry Workshop
Registry Workshop is an advanced registry editor. In addition to all the features that you can find in RegEdit and RegEdt32, Registry Workshop adds many powerful features that allow you to work faster and more efficiently with registry related tasks.
Release RAM 2000/XP
Allows your PC to run faster, uses your RAM more efficiently, and reduce Windows Crashes
Defragments RAM, recovers RAM from the operating system, optimizes RAM and runs in background keeping your system in peak condition.
Release RAM Pro
Allows your PC to run faster, uses your RAM more efficiently, and reduce Windows Crashes
Defragments RAM, recovers RAM from the operating system, optimizes RAM and Virtual memory, runs in background keeping your system in peak condition.
Самая тяжелая работа та, которую мы не решаемся начать: она становится кошмаром. Ш. Бодлер
Врач после осмотра пациентки говорит ей: -- У вас головные боли, желудок тоже шалит, высокое кро- вяное давление... Ну, что ж, бывает... Простите, госпожа Османис, а сколько вам лет? -- Двадцать девять, конечно! -- Ага... И к тому же значительная потеря памяти,-- добавил врач, углубляясь в записи...
"...А она остра на язык" - подумал он, прижимая ее голову к своему паху.