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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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WinASO Registry Optimizer

WinASO Registry Optimizer repairs Windows registry problems with a few mouse clicks.

Uninstall Plus! 2004

Completely uninstall and remove any traces of the previous uninstalled, deleted programs. Scan identify and correct registry malfunctions. Have your registry backed up, restored and repaired automatically. Manage programs that start at boot.

Innovatools What's On My Computer

Find out about any file, folder, or program on your computer - search the web for the information you need. Keep out viruses, trojans, and poor-quality software. Keep your computer secure, and use your PC with peace of mind and confidence.


Can Your colleguage’s with Explorer (from their own W2k-workstation) read/modify/delete/create files on Your hard disc. And nobody can see if it happens. W2kTotalPowerWhere reports if You have this problem. Free install working unlimited 90 days!


Check your servers eventlogs daily with a scheduled intranet-report without duplicates, only the eventlogs since last scheduled run, and email with number of logs found since last time. Free install working unlimited 90 days!

AIM Keys

AIM Keys for Windows XP/2000/NT/98/95 is an all-in-one, macro utility. This major release features improved macro recording and playback, text replacement, task scheduling, security options, and enhanced performance.

MemoryBoost Pro

MemoryBoost frees unused memory, making your computer run faster and more reliably. Windows lets closed programs stay in memory; that's why you have to reboot your computer to keep the performance up. MemoryBoost solves this problem.

Autorun Maestro

Autorun Maestro is highly configurable CD menu software that will have you making attractive autorun/autoplay menus in record time. With a fully graphical interface, the menus appearance can be completely user configured.

Innovatools Add/Remove Plus!

Innovatools Add/Remove Plus! offers a new and better way to uninstall programs you no longer want on your computer. All you have to do is double-click an icon on your Desktop, quickly find the program you want to remove and click a button!

FileName Pro

Whether you have a few or thousands of files to rename, FileName Pro can rename your files in seconds. Files can be named based on any number of file naming schemes you can configure, even move files to a new folder. Includes undo.

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