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Autorun Action Flash
Autorun Action Flash is software for making striking Autorun/Autoplay CDs. This program is specifically designed to, after CD-ROM insertion, flash an image (static or animated) of your choice while launching a file.
Drive Cleanup Wizard
The Drive Cleanup Wizard helps you get rid of useless, unwanted, temporary files from your machine. You can specify custom file-types you want to search and destroy. Works across User Profiles on a machine. Handy tool for System Administrators.
Quickly create HTML reports of multiple folders, listing file properties,IPTC fields of JPEG images and metadata associated with MS Office, StarOfice, OpenOffice.org, Visio, XMP Adobe document, Windows 2K or PDFfiles. Export into HTML, XML, CSV, Word
Always On Time
Always On Time is a Windows Internet utility that will connect to one of a dozen public atomic time servers and fetch the current atomic clock time value.
With BriefAudit, every user can easily see document changes history.
It selects files modifications events keeping only the essential informations: Date and time of file modification, Modifier's identification into comments area = file properties.
AutoTyping speeds up your typing by display suggested words and phrases in a pop-up list window. It will complete the word or phrase help you. The pop-up list window with suggested words protects you from making typing mistakes.
Directory copy program to copy folder trees, without the files contained in that folders. You have option to copy several trees at once, combining them in projects. Projects are saved and can also optionally be re-run to make a synchronizing update.
Dr.Salman's Window Power Tools
Window Power Tool is the No. 1 System Optimizer for Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP. It not only increases Internet Speed but also make Windows Run faster and Smoother. It gives more RAM, enhances memory,frees up wasted memory and boosts Performance.
My BootDisk
Create a boot disk and a repair disk for speedy recovery from system crashes and damage. Windows NT4/2000/XP user will not be out of luck. With this softare, you may even download all standard OS Boot Disks ranging from MS-DOS 5.00 to Windows XP.
MacVolumes is a free Windows system utility to analyze Macintosh files signatures stored in Mac volumes index on Windows NT 4.0 or 2000.
Automatic connection to the Macintosh servers and volumes; detects invalid volumes, monitors disks optimization
Сколько держав даже не подозревают о моем существовании! Б. Паскаль
У рыбака кончились черви. Он взял бумажку, написал на ней "червяк" и забросил удочку в речку. Видит -- клюет. Вытащил удочку, а на крючке висит доска, и на ней написано "сазан",
Сниму квартиру. Порядок в районе гарантирую.