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Elliott Wave Analyzer 3
The Elliott Wave Analyzer software package helps identify patterns within price data. When it finds an incomplete pattern, it gives you exact odds, or an exact probability, of where the market is about to move.
Elliott Wave Analyzer
The Elliott Wave Analyzer software package helps identify patterns within price data. When it finds an incomplete pattern, it gives you exact odds, or an exact probability, of where the market is about to move.
Bull's-Eye Broker
Bull's-Eye Broker is an advanced software package which constructs and maintains Point & Figure Charts. Features include: High clarity full-screen charts, relative strength, bullish %, user defined box sizes and trend lines, buy and sell watch lists.
InferenceTrade is a stock market charting, analysis, and trading system development program. It is a complete package, integrating many features, with an emphasis on writing, testing, and implementing custom program-trading systems.
FolderBox is an free extension for Windows Explorer. It displays additional folders in the lower part of Explorer, which enables you to display the contents of two or more folders at once! You can use FolderBox also inside Internet-Explorer.
Строгость нрава у женщин - это белила и румяна, которыми они оттеняют свою красоту . Ф. Ларошфуко
- может ли корова, отправившись из города-героя Москвы дойт до города-героя Волгограда? - нет, ее съедят в городе-герое Туле.
Деньги счастья не приносят, но укрепляют нервную систему