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Serif 3DPlus
For 3D scenes, logos, animations, models. Award winning. Unusually good display: built-in DirectX; palette/depth/dither accurate Export Preview; five anti-aliasing levels. Includes fonts, objects, etc. FREE. Registration required.
Sheet Lightning
Sheet Lightning is a specialised engineering 2D/3D CAD System for creating and unfolding sheet metal designs for fabrication or manufacture. It handles cylinders, cones, square-to-round adapters, ovals, intersections and mutli-intersections.
Sheet Lightning Demo
Sheet Lightning is a specialised engineering 2D/3D CAD System for creating and unfolding sheet metal designs for fabrication or manufacture. It handles cylinders, cones, square-to-round adapters, ovals, intersections and mutli-intersections.
Каждый имеет для другого лишь то значение, какое тот имеет для него. А. Шопенгауэр
- какова причина торфяных пожаров в подмосковье - Брежнев сказал: пусть горит земля под ногами алкоголиков!
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