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» Telephone
Telemarketing Blocker
Telemarketing Blocker is free Caller ID screen software that retrieves caller's telephone number using your voice modem (you must have subscribed Caller ID feature from your TeleCom. and your modem supports Caller ID in your local state).
TRx Personal Phone Call Recorder
TRx is a personal phone line recorder program for Windows. TRx lets you manually record telephone calls on a phone line connected to the voice modem (or other telephony card) of your computer.
VRS Telephone Call Recorder
The VRS is a multiple channel voice recording application typically used for telephone line recording, radio station logging or control room recording. Record up to 32 lines simultaneously.
WhoCalls will use your modem to detect the CallerID of a calling party. It will not answer the call, just display the caller information (if transmitted). If the caller is already in the database, its details and photo will be displayed.
IVM Telephone Answering Attendant
IVM is a telephone answering machine, voice mail, call attendant, info-line and interactive voice response (ivr) program for Windows computers with voice modems or professional telephony line devices.
See Caller ID name, number & picture on your PC, computer voice announces call, sends e-mail / blog update, auto hang-up unwanted calls, printable directory & history, dial from clipboard, speed dial, and directory. Supports reporting over a LAN.
У того, кому помогает Бог, помощник лучше. Средневековая поговорка.
Жена говорит мужу, большому любителю пива: -- Не жалеешь ты свои почки, пожалей хотя бы меня. Итак, выбирай: или я, или пиво! Муж подумал, почесал затылок и спрашивает: -- А сколько пива?
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