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Weather Stats (Australian only)
(FOR AUSTRALIAN WEATHER ONLY) Polls latest Weather Stats at intervals you choose. Data is displayed in a micro banner or System Tray text display (like the clock).
Personal Stock Monitor GOLD
Personal Stock Monitor Gold is a live stock ticker tape, multi-currency portfolio manager and advanced research assistant for individual investors that provides delayed, real-time and streaming quotes, news and charts from around the world.
Personal Stock Streamer
Personal Stock Stock Streamer is an advanced investing tool that combines real time streaming quotes and technical analysis charts with a complete transaction based portfolio manager that recalculates the value of your holdings in realtime.
InfoSnorkel is a Windows application that makes it easy to create customized, up-to-date, personal news pages that contain information from many different sources.
CoolTimeZone - Time/Date Ticker
CoolTimeZone is an easy, small, intuitive, unobtrusive scrolling time/date display ticker. It's loaded with customizable options including your own list of as many time/date locations as you want to watch.
Надеялась трава, что будет ей хорошо, когда она вырастет, но поникла позднее под тяжестью своей. аль-Фарадзак
Вопрос: -- Какая разница между хозяином и его слугой? Ответ: -- Они оба курят одни и те же сигары, оба любят сок манго, но оплачивает счета только один из них.
Поздняя пташка глазки продирает, а ранней уже клювик начистили