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System clock synchronization, Alarm clock, Agenda, Reminders, Time cumulator etc. are all bundled in TimeRanger. This program keeps all of your timed events under tight surveillance and alerts you when they become due. Unlimited number of events.


TimeLeft is a countdown, reminder, clock, stopwatch, timer, sticker and time synchronization utility. TimeLeft uses Winamp skins, it's attractive, easy to use and highly configurable. Watching seconds ticking away makes some glad event so much closer

The PC Timer

An easy to use countdown timer/alarm clock. Great for people who are charged an hourly rate by their Internet Service Provider, and for those of us who continually lose track of time while on the Internet. FREE!

Scheduler Extra

Scheduler of new generation. In contrast to standard windows scheduler the Scheduler Extra can not only start applications, but it allows to show messages, turn of computer, monitor, set up loudness of sound, eject CD-ROM and many others features.


This program is a simple countdown timer, settable from 1 second up to 99 hours. Settings are saved for easy configuring. Full screen, tray, minimised, MP3, and Command Line options are also included. Egg is written in efficient Assembly Language.


CalcuWage is a small unobtrusive, fun program that calculates your wage each second as you work. Pay is shown in realtime on the taskbar or system tray without opening the program window. Advanced Mode is available.

Effective File Search

Search any files on your computer or local network. Search filters include date and size, containing text or hexadecimal codes. You can use Boolean operators to perform multiple keyword searches. All results can be saved to file. Many other features.

ABC Amber Word2Excel Converter

Advanced utility which converts tables from DOC (MS Word) files to XLS (MS Excel) easily and quickly. Supports a batch conversion, a run from command line, more than 50 languages.

Effective Goal Setting - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace

Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to do. Enjoy Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Pass Inner Peace on to others.


BigTime: Easy to see count down/up timer with optional voice alerts and 1 second increments. Time can be set from 1 second to 100 hours. Start, Stop, Reset functions allow pauses and restarts. Great for classrooms and presentations.

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Книга, которая не стоит того, чтобы читать ее дважды, не стоит и того, чтобы читать ее один раз.
К. Вебер


Однажды, когда пост мусульман совпал с постом армян,
Молла увидел армянина, который ел жареную курицу. Поздоровав-
шись с ним, Молла без всякого приглашения уселся рядом и тоже
принялся за курицу.
Армянин поглядел на его чалму, на его абу и сказал:
-- Голубчик, ты мусульманин и к тому же еще Молла, как же
тебе не стыдно не соблюдать пост?
-- А почему ты не соблюдаешь свои пост и ешь курицу? --
спросил Молла.
-- Я всегда нарушаю армянский пост,-- ответил тот.
-- Вот и хорошо,-- сказал Молла,-- а я нарушаю мусульман-
ский пост.


- Как должны спать муз и жена, которые находятся в ссоре? -- Членораздельно.

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