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» Utilities
» Time
See what time it is in up to 24 separate cities around the world. Select from over 730 world captials and heavily populated cities. Fully customizable display resizes between 4 and 25 cells. Now includes international dialing codes for each city!
Quick Tab
Quicktab is a VB dll component that allows developers to add tab controls in their ASP Applications. It generates 100% HTML output, no Active X is required. your applications
Power Clock
The ultimate employee time clock. Easy to use, looks like a traditional mechanical time clock. Easy Email. Job, Phase, Production tracking. Automatic lunch deduct. Clock in using secure card. Multi-site file sync. Client-server network mode.
Remind-Me tracks and reminds you of important events before
they occur. It displays holidays, birthdays, anniversaries,
and scheduled events on an attractive traditional calendar.
Remind-Me with Outlook Conduit
Remind-Me tracks and reminds you of important events before
they occur. It displays holidays, birthdays, anniversaries,
and scheduled events on an attractive traditional calendar.
Remind-Me with Palm Conduit
Remind-Me tracks and reminds you of important events before
they occur. It displays holidays, birthdays, anniversaries,
and scheduled events on an attractive traditional calendar.
- Don't miss the happy hour, a bus, metro, plane, or train.
- Be on time for meetings and appointments.
- Keep your network's file system up-to-date.
- Synchronize the clocks of your team.
- Place last-second auction bits.
SNTP Service
This is an SNTP time synchronization client/server for the more advanced user wishing to provide SNTP time synchronization services under Windows NT4, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. Windows Management Interface for centralized control.
T@imeCalc is a working hours administration and planning tool. The program administrates cost unit and collaborator specific working hours and creates reports for internal and external use.
Time Money and Activities
Time, Money & Activities gives you some interesting statistics on buying and time spending habits over your lifetime. How much money can you save by kicking the smoking habit or how much time you spend watching TV?
Когда мне хочется прочесть роман, я сам пишу его. Б. Дизраэли
Шут говорил: -- Я и мой брат -- близнецы, но он стал богатым, а я бедным. Так скажите, можно ли после этого верить астрологам, ведь мы родились под одной звездой?!
Кроме чужих неприятностей, есть еще и другие радости жизни.