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» Tools & Editors
Zeus for Windows
A powerful, language generic programmer's integrated development environment. Features include Brief, Epsilon, Emacs support, intellisensing, auto-completion, class browsing, configurable syntax colorizing and much more.
Enables automatic cross-platform stock photography conversion via a mass repair on IPTC File Info fields added to JPEG or TIFF pictures: translates Macintosh accents to Windows and Windows to Macintosh. Facilitates images,digital photos transmission
Advanced SQL Code Collection
Powerful editor that enables you to write your SQL scripts efficiently. It includes SQL syntax highlighting, large base of SQL code templates, power search engine and convenient bookmarks.
MMOGer is a utility for boosting your RPG and MMORPG game characters. It takes the tedium out of online [and offline] gameplay. No more typing commands over and over again. Execute a command, or group of commands, at the time intervals you specify.
Game Editor
Game Editor is an interactive multimedia tool for game development, with a simple and intuitive interface and a rich set of features.
Edit binary files. Dataformats: ascii, unsigned (base 2-36: bin,oct,dec,hex,etc) and signed integers, float, bitflags, bitfields, labels, ebcdic, time_t and structures of datatypes. Different sizes and byte ordenings. Edit hard disk devices.
Лучшее - враг хорошего. Но не самый злой. Авессалом Подводный
-- Как у тебя дела с Яном? -- Мы с ним расстались. -- Неужели? Почему? -- Как только он узнал, сколько я плачу за платье портнихе, бросил меня и женился на ней.
3.11 в кв.1 дома 48 по ул. Суворова был обнаружен труп гр. Булатова. Проживал по вышеуказанному адресу, висящим в петле.