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» Screen Savers
» Tourism
Guesthouse - Gestion hфteliиre
A reservation, room management and billing system for guesthouses, small hotels, motels, hostels, and bed and breakfasts.
Historic Saint Augustine Screensaver
St. Augustine, Florida - The 'Nation's Oldest City'. Any historical buff is sure to enjoy these amazing photos. Gaze at the Spanish architecture, the religious artifacts, the Bridge of Lions, and the plethora of statues.
Cades Cove Scenes Screensaver
Enjoy these photos of Cades Cove, an area in the Smoky Mountains of exquisite natural beauty. Discover the allure of the Appalachian Mountains scenery in this screensaver. Includes 20 full-screen photos and four songs. From TravelScreensavers.com.
Chicago - From the Sky Screensaver
The Chicago - From the Sky Screensaver brings you amazing and *large* photos of the "City of Big Shoulders". Numerous skyscrapers, Navy Pier, Buckingham Fountain, the Water Tower, and more. Includes 20 full-screen [1024x768] photos and four songs.
Ducks of Appalachia Screensaver
Quack! Look around at the many floating and walking ducks nearby Fort Loudon Dam. See what kind of adventures these waterfowl get themselves into. Plus, check out the gorgeous scenery. Includes 20 full-screen [1024x768] photos and four songs.
Downtown Memphis Blues Screensaver
Be cool with photos of downtown Memphis, including the thriving blues-filled Beale Street, sundown on the mighty Mississippi, horse-drawn carriages, the downtown skyline, and more. Includes 20 full-screen [1024x768] photos and four songs.
Dazzling Daytona Sun Screensaver
Watch this dazzling screensaver of the sparkling Daytona Beach Sun rising and setting. Be captivated by the views of the rippling waves, soaring birds, and majestic cloudscapes. Contains twenty-two photos and four songs.
Chicago - Dusk to Dark Screensaver
Enjoy this entertaining screensaver of Chicago, the Windy City, complete with twenty full-screen [1024x768] photographs and jazzy background music. Feast your eyes on the tall skyscrapers, the scurrying populace, and the majestic river.
Чтобы сделать карьеру, следует одеваться во все серое, держаться в тени и не проявлять инициативы. Ш. Талейран
-- Это твой родной брат? -- спрашивает Додик Менделя. -- Да, но он мой дальний родственник. -- Как это может быть? -- Я родился первым, а он был в семье одиннадцатым.
...а если хочешь чего-нибудь большого и чистого - помой слона!