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Slide Puzzle
Have fun and unwind with this traditional puzzle game. Slide Puzzle is a modern version of the sliding tile games invented over a century ago. Relax with serene all-original images of beautiful Northern Arizona. Hours of fun for all ages.
Blockworks, the virtual construction toy for kids of all ages, allows you to build anything you want. Choose among the hundreds of carefully drawn parts available and combine them in infinite ways. You will be amazed at the infinite possibilities!
MusiCat is a freedb-Enabled application that lets you organize your music collection quickly. It is very flexible because you have the ability to add your own data fields to store whatever information you like about the artist, album or track.
Multitudes of abstract objects appear to traverse the computer screen and collide and interact with each other, producing a wide variety of kaleidoscopic formations which are incredibly dynamic and visually captivating.
Нет ничего опасней для новой истины, как старое заблуждение. И. Гете
Моряк после шести месяцев плавания в-ыходит на берег. Диспетчер говорит ему в порту: -- Час назад звонила ваша жена и просила передать, чтобы по дороге домой вы не забыли купить овощи, хлеб, что-нибудь мяс- ное и бутылочку ликера "Амаретто".
Чтобы мало зарабатывать, надо много учиться..