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» Games
» Traditional
PilesOTiles Mahjongg
PilesOTiles is a game based on the Solitaire Mahjongg series of games, in which you must pair off groups of colorful tiles in order to complete the round. Using large playing tiles which are easy to distinguish, the game is playable by all ages.
PilesOTiles Mahjongg For PocketPC
Piles'O'Tiles is a PDA game based on the classic Mahjongg series of games, in which you must pair off groups of colourful tiles in order to succeed. Using large playing tiles which are easy to distinguish, the game is playable by all ages.
Детские болезни больше всего изводят родителей. Б. Барташевич
Гребец говорит тренеру: -- Я больше не сяду в лодку с Феликсом! Почему? У него такие большие уши, что против ветра не выгребешь!
Меняю хорошего лектора на хорошее пиво...