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» Business
» Transcription
Slow down music from any audio CD - hear and learn every note. The styles and solos of all the master musicians become accessible to you with this acclaimed transcripton tool. Top sound quality and convenience for musicians at all levels.
DialDictate lets you dictate by telephone. You, and other users, dial into a computer running DialDictate to record dictation. Recording, replay, editing and file management are controlled by pressing numbers on your telephone keypad.
Express Scribe
Express Scribe is professional audio playback control software designed to assist the transcription of audio recordings. It is installed on the typist's computer and can be controlled using the keyboard (with 'hot' keys) and/or foot pedals. This comp
Хотеть не думать о ней - это уже означало все еще о ней думать. М. Пруст
-- Дедушка не очень рассердился, когда его проверяли на таможне? -- Напротив! Ведь при досмотре нашли его очки, которые пропали неделю назад!
Давайте радоваться нашим успехам: вы - моим, а я - своим.