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» Truetype Fonts
Usher Fonts TT
Rubicon Usher Fonts v1.31c. Standard Truetype format. Like Univers, sans serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Tribune Fonts TT
Rubicon Tribune Fonts v1.31c. Standard Truetype format. Like Times, serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Tribune Condensed Fonts TT
Rubicon Tribune Condensed Fonts v1.31c. Standard Truetype format. Like Times, serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
SGaramond Fonts TT
Rubicon SGaramond Fonts v1.31c. Standard Truetype format. Like Stempel Garamond, serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Opulent Fonts TT
Rubicon Opulent Fonts v1.31c. Standard Truetype format. Like Optima, sans serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Nova Fonts
Rubicon Nova Fonts v1.31. Standard Truetype format. Computer Modern Sans clone, sans serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 1200 dpi. Shareware, $6.
Karat Font
Rubicon Karat Fonts v1.31. Standard Truetype format. Kabel clone, sans serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $10.
IGaramond Fonts TT
Rubicon IGaramond Fonts v1.31c. Standard Truetype format. Like ITC Garamond, serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Hudson Fonts TT
Rubicon Hudson Fonts v1.31c. Standard Truetype format. Like Helvetica, sans serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Hudson Condensed Fonts TT
Rubicon Hudson Condensed Fonts v1.31c. Standard Truetype format. Like Helvetica, sans serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Задумав дело, не говори о нем: не удастся - засмеют. Питтак
Карабинер спрашивает водителя: -- Расскажите, как произошла авария? -- Очень просто. Моя теща требовала, чтобы я повернул на- право, а жена -- налево. Я старался удовлетворить обеих: страшно не люблю ссор в семье.
Лучше гор могут быть только бабы, На которых еще не бывал...