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» Development Tools
» UI Controls
Web Site Robot
Easy to use blog tool that also creates and hosts your web site. There is no need for additional software, HTML, programming skills, or even a Web hosting company. Keeps your Web site, online photo album, and shopping cart alongside your blog page.
NovaStor Online Backup
Backup critical files safely off-site to NovaStor's secure data center. User-friendly interface makes it easy to select files and schedule automatic off-site backups. Try our 15-day Free Trial with up to 250 MB of Storage.
Password Protect
Password Protect is a software program to protect your documents against unwanted access. It will not let other users view, copy or modify your sensitive data. Folders remain protected in DOS, Windows Safe mode and other operating systems.
Любовь - это стремление к сближению, вызванное видимостью красоты. Зенон Китийский
- правда ли, что, как было обещано, в 1980 году в СССР буде в основном построено коммунистическое общество? - нет, вместо этого решено провести олимпийские игры.
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