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» Development Tools
» VB
VBBackup is a Visual Basic add-in for Visual Basic 6 to create backups of all your Visual Basic projects. With each project you can: Add/include additional files to be backed up, enter a memo for each project,and more!
MSDE Manager
Manage MSDE/SQL databases via an intuitive graphical interface and do all of the common operations that a typical deployment of MSDE/SQL would entail and much more besides. Add, edit and delete Databases, Tables, Views, Users, Rules, SP's & more.
ClearImage PDF417
ActiveX easily and accurately reads high density PDF417 2D barcodes from any camera, scanned or faxed image (TIFF JPG). Automate the data capture with VB C++ or Delphi application. High performance solution comes with FREE SDK and Consulting services
NetConnect OCX
The NetConnect OCX gives your application internet access, to enable you to provide updates, upgrades, support, download files, etc via the internet.
Advanced Live Update ActiveX Control
Advanced Live Update Control makes an easy way to add an Online Update feature for your software. It was designed to be as friendly as possible, by providing features such as no user input to run in the background and event-driven notifications.
blueshell ADO Survey Kit
bAsk - the blueshell ADO Survey Kit - is a new diagnostic toolkit for ADO programmers. It presents viewers for all types of ADObjects. bAsking is better than debugging! It's freeware!
Link bask.dll to your VB project and view all your ADObjects!
ClearImage Barcode 1D Basic
ActiveX easily reads Code39 Code128 Code 93 Interleaved 2of5 and 13 other barcodes from any scanned or faxed image. Automate the data capture with VB C++ or Delphi applications. High performance solution comes with FREE SDK and Consulting services
CG Pro
RFG Software is the publisher of CG Pro, which is a sophisticated code generation tool. CG Pro generates a full n-tier application based upon existing Microsoft SQL Server databases.
ClearImage Free SDK
Recognize Code39 Code128 PDF417 DataMatrix and more from images in VB C++ Delphi. ClearImage ActiveX tackle applications requiring high accuracy and speed, and read poor quality scanned or faxed images. Automate batch repair and preparation tasks
ClearImage DataMatrix
ActiveX easily and accurately reads high density DataMatrix 2D barcodes from any camera, scanned or faxed image. Automate the data capture with VB C++ or Delphi applications. High performance solution comes with FREE SDK and Consulting services
Современники расточают похвалы, потомки вершат правосудие. Ш. Дюкле
Жена звонит мужу с курорта: -- Везу СПИД. Тяжело. Встречай. Муж пришел на вокзал. И только жена появилась, он ее -- раз, два, три -- по физиономии. -- Что ты, дурачок! -- со слезами на глазах вскричала же- на.-- Это же я для конспирации! СПИД -- значит: сахар, патока и дрожжи.
Подумать только, из-за родной жены я совсем дигридировался.