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» Development Tools
» VB
Virtual Sampler SDK
The Virtual Sampler Library (VSL.DLL) provides applications running
on Pentium-class PCs under MS Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP with a
MIDI-controlled, low-latency, fully programmable wavetable module
implemented entirely in software.
PopupNotify is an ActiveX control provides MSN style popup alerts. Popup alerts fade in and slide up above the taskbar and disappear after a few seconds. Supports transparency, balloon tips, pictures, gradients, alignments and more! Unicode enabled.
SMS and Pager Toolkit
Toolkit to Send and Receive SMS messages. Features SMSC providers (TAP,XIO,UCP), GSM devices (incl. WaveCom Fastrack) and GSM phones (incl. Nokia,Siemens,Motorola). TAPI,PDU,FBus and Unicode compliant. Samples for VC++, VB, VB.NET, VC#.NET and ASP.
TaskPaneXP is an ActiveX control that accurately emulates the task panes, or 'Explorer Bars', that are found in Microsoft Windows XP. Task panes provide a flexible way of presenting a group of related tasks to your users.
Timers OCX
The Timers control is a set of timers that expand on the timer control supplied with Visual Basic.
The Timer control supplied with Visual Basic counts in milliseconds, up to about 65 seconds, this suite of timer controls allow over 32,000 hours.
TurboVB is an integrated feature packed tool for VB6 - a major enhancement to its IDE.
It has over 40 add-ins that will provide you with real productivity gains. Free support & updates and a site licence as standard.
TurboVBLite is a feature packed freeware tool for VB6 - a major enhancement to its IDE.
It has over 15 add-ins that will provide you with real productivity gains.
SkinCrafter Component lets developers create applications that users can easily skin. With support for Win32 languages that support COM objects, SkinCrafter increases the value of applications by giving them a modern look and feel.
VB.Net to C# Converter
VBConversions' VB.Net to C# Converter is a state of the art conversion program which rewrites your VB.Net project in C#. Unlike other conversion programs, variable names, comments, and inline comments are preserved. Over 99% Accuracy.
VB Source Code Controls
Visual Basic Source Code that demonstrates how to make VB Controls by using a Picturebox and pure VB Code. Free source code for making Command Buttons and additional source code for making Calendars, Clocks, Sliders and a Scheduler is available.
Люди - это малые боги. Г. Лейбниц
Герек поздравил с избранием нового папу Иоанна-Павла второ го, выразил надежду, что он будет другом Польши, и спросил, чем Польша, со своей стороны, могла бы ему содействовать. - постройте в Польше самый большой в мире костел! - идет. Но назвать его придется собором святого Леонида. - идет. Но мощи обеспечьте сами.
Больной нуждается в уходе врача, и чем быстрее и дальше уйдет врач, тем лучше!